Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Looking Back...


Looking back through the years,
I remember your love being there
for me even during the times when
I was too busy to listen, trying
so hard to grow up on my own,
thinking I knew all the answers.

I just want you to know that during
the many times you tried to offer
advice and encouragement,
I really was listening in my own way,
and I appreciate all that you've
done to help shape me into the
person I am today.

Through it all you've been my
inspiration, and there's no way to
tell you how grateful I am, except
to say, I love you. 

Living one day at a time,
enjoying one moment at a
time. Accepting hardship
as a pathway to peace.
Taking, as Jesus did, this
sinful world as it is, not
as I would have it.
Trusting that You will make
all things right if I
surrender to Your will.
So that I may be reasonably
happy in this life and
supremely happy with You
forever in the next.

 Matthew West ~ Family Tree

Always Remember
Never take a person for granted,
 hold every person close to your heart
 cause you might wake up one day
 and realize that you've lost a diamond
 while you were too busy collecting stones. 
"The best things in life are...
not seen but felt with the heart!"

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year 2014

Happy New Year 2014 
to my friends & family!!!!! 

Love to all....

May you find the true meaning of self this year...
and that you come to terms with whatever 
makes your soul restless....
and that this year you will find the hero within....

God Bless Everyone!