Friday, November 18, 2011

Just Catching You Up

Brrrrrrr....Baby it's cold outside!

It was 28 degrees out this morning.....that is cold!  I am not a fan of the cold...but I love the snow,  figure that one

Well next week we celebrate Thanksgiving!  Thanksgiving...can you believe it!!!!!  I also get to celebrate my birthday the same day....some may think that it is cool to celebrate your birthday on a holiday...but it isn't!  I only like celebrating my birthday on a holiday so that the hussel and bussel of the holiday makes me forget all about my birthday!!!!!!  Now that is coooooool don't you think...I do!!!!!

Well as of the 21st of November I am done with the radiation on the fact I was told I was done with radiation all together...and even if I wanted more I would not be getting any more!!!!!  Now I guess the results of brain radiation takes a long long time to see results.....and the awful side effects that come along with treatments!!!  The Dr. tells me my hair will never grow back, radiation does not treat hair follicles kindly....I could loose anywhere from 2 to 10 points off my IQ......I will get extremely tired.....will be sick to my stomach or vomiting....may get headaches.....all I know is that it will take anywhere from one to two years to see the serious affects of this treatment.

The worst part of this radiation so far was when they fitted the mesh mask over your face...felt like a warm wash cloth....and then it became tighter and tighter until you felt like you were being buried alive.....kid you not....when it was fitted to your face and head they marked the spots exactly where you would be scanned with the radiation next time you came for treatment.....I had an anxiety attack when they put the mask on and screwed it to the table....I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe....finally I thought of somewhere else I would rather be, slowed my breathing down, way down....and waited for the treatment to be over......My prayers and thoughts go out to every little child who has ever had to go through cancer treatments....God Bless You, If I sound like I am complaining please forgive me!

I head for another round of "Chemo" in early December for three days....not sure what is up after that but will keep you informed....To my family and friends ~ I love you all!!!!!

Speaking of bestest friend of all.....beckie...sent me a silver heart necklace through the mail the other day....and put both of our precious angles pictures inside so that they can watch over me....God Bless YOU my Dear Friend!!!!!!!

Oh, by the way,  my grandchildren's report cards came this week......WOW!!!!!!!!  Talk about smart kids.....WOW!  Desiree scored in the high 90's all the way down her report card and has a 95 average!!!!  Way to go Dez, Way to go!!!!!   Zak he scored in the low 90's and 80's on his......WOW!!!!!!!!!  Way to go Zak, Way to go!!!!!!   Needless to say that Nana & Papa, Ron & Jill & Mom & Dad are all so proud of you both!